Monday, 4 May 2020

Douglas Spanish Infantry Grenadiers NP2

If you have been waiting years wondering how to paint those Douglas Spanish Grenadiers - your wish is my command


Independentwargamesgroup said...

Im impressed you actually possess some Douglas miniatures, well done.

Rob said...
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Vintage Wargaming said...

I’ve got quite a few - the Crimean range are my favourites, I first bought some ages ago from eBay which were unidentified- lovely crisp original castings - without knowing what they were, and was very pleased when I found out. If their ranges had been anywhere as comprehensive as Hinton Hunt or Miniature Figurines they could have been a major competitor.

If I told you I had some Kirk figures, would you also be impressed? I do have at least one of the only decent figure they ever produced.

Vintage Wargaming said...

Sorry Rob deleted your comment by mistake whilebtrying to manage comments with sausage fingers on my phone - please repost. As to where to find Douglas or Hinton Spanish - no easy answers just the usual keeping an eye out. Unless they are the wrong size for you and don’t mix with your other figures don’t forget S Range which had some very nice Spanish foot figures - particularly eye catching was the officer in greatcoat and bicorne with telescope. Along with the blokes in skirts.