Looking at these together with the other Whitecoat regiment I posted previously, it looks like the musketeers would do better being swapped, as I am sure the previous lot's musketeers are also Warrior, while the new unit's musketeers' bases look very similar to the more sketchy pikemen of the first unit.
I've tried them in a couple of different configurations - I don't now if anyone would like to say which they feel sit better together, or perhaps even could identify the manufacturer(s) of the mystery pikemen and musketeers.
Here are the (presumed) Warrior figures together

Here are the mystery figures together

The pikemen are definitely Warrior in both units - the musketeers maybe also
The musketeers are Alberken/
Minifigs and one is shown in Miniature Warfare June 1970 ECW part 4.
Thanks Pete
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