The first two pictures are of NP 7, British Line Infantry Advancing

The next two are NP 23 French Line Voltigeur/Grenadier in shako firing

John tells me limited stock of the following figures are available:
NP10 British Line Infantry standard bearer
NP 9 British Line Infantry officer
NP 7 British Line Infantry at ready
NP 7a British Line Infantry at ready, variant with musket sling
NP 22 French Grenadier of Guard firing
NP 23 French Line Voltigeur/grenadier in shako firing
and further figures to come:
NP 6 Brunswick Infantry
NP 8 British Line Infantry firing
NP 19 French Guard officer
NP 21 & 21a British Hussar and horse
These look like really nice figures. Are they 15, 20, or 25mm?
Best Regards,
Stokes Schwartz
Stokes, all the figures on this blog are vintage 20mm
I was recently left a number of these in my dads will. I've been told he bought them in 1958, they are all hand painted and range from the NP7 through to NP15 sets. I have a number of images of them if you'd like to see. I just want to know how they should be kept, and if they should be insured. Please can you help?
Hi Andy
If you would like to send me some pictures I will take a look at them.See if you can send them as attachments, using the link under the Contacting the Old Metal Detector item in the right hand side column on the home page.
They are unlikely to be of great enough value to be worth specifically mentioning on your insurance policy. As for care, keep them dry and not too hot or too cold
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