Saturday 7 March 2009

Miniature Figurines Ltd 20mm and 25mm military figures catalogue

I am making a number of posts showing the 20mm (HO/OO range) figures, from around 1967. This catalogue also contains lists of S Range figure, which will be added to the Lone S Ranger blog.

I intend to add some pictures of figures in due course. The Napoleonic range has been extensively covered by Ron at the LazyLimey's Wargaming Place, whose collection is far more comprehensive than the figures and pictures I have managed to assemble so far. I recommend visiting his site if you want to see more of the figures from this range.
I will also shortly be posting an Alberken catalogue from May 1965 to this blog. It is worth remembering while all Alberken figures also became Miniature Figurines 20mm range figures, sometimes with different code numbers, not all Minifigs 20mm figures were also Alberkens. If this seems complicated, the Minifigs 20mm list on VINTAGE 20MIL helpfully asterisks those which were previously available from Alberken.


Snickering Corpses said...

Could you perhaps stop by my Hesse-Engelburg blog and take a look at the picture of the two Napoleonic figures I have on the latest post? See if you can identify them?

I've been told the first looks like a Scruby but the second isn't.

Snickering Corpses said...

Just an update, I've posted the additional photos.