Sunday, 2 October 2016

Lamming 1st/2nd Century Romans

I don't do Ancients but I have always had a soft spot for the Lamming Romans, which I used to buy one or two of a year from Bill Lamming at the Durham shows organised by Derek Sharman in the Student Union ballroom.

I've acquired these over the last twelve months or so in batches on ebay - a couple of units of legionaries painted, which I have just rebased, glued weapons and shields back on, and plastidipped them. The rest have been painted in the last six months or so and my recent run of clearing things that have been waiting on the painting table for a while.

Cavalry - there are two types here, cavalryman and Praetorians, but I am not sure which is which. Also decurions and a mounted general figure. I have too many cavalry for the size of the army but I couldn't just let them go...

Infantry: legionaries, auxiliaries, standard bearers, cornicers, centurions, and a tribune.

The two units of legionaries which were bought painted.

I could do with four of five pilae and shields and another infantry standard - if anyone has any spare I'd be glad to take them off your hands. I guess I could do with some RE/4 Eastern archers and one or two British Chariots, if anyone has them.


  1. Some of my first miniatures...painted for fantasy with black arrows of chaos of the shield. Blasphemy I know, but I was young!

  2. Bill Lamming was a lovely fellow and its good to see his creative output being celebrated on your blog!

  3. Always had a soft spot for Lamming- just picked up some of his ECW cavalry- which are smaller than I remember when I had some- would not mind some more of that ECW range. Used to have several hundres of his medievals back in the 80s when I ran the Durham show ....

  4. Here are mine:

  5. Those are cool. I have acquired a few more command figures, I'm only really looking for a couple of British Chariots now
