Sunday, 29 September 2013

Lamming SYW figures

(click on the photo to enlarge)

I have been working out how to base and use the Lamming SYW figures I bought at auction from Bill Lamming.

I wanted to be able to use them as single figures but also in units so I have decided to mount them on pennies and then in the 1p movement trays from War Bases

In theory this means I don't need to have a tray for each unit but just have a stack and use them as required - this was sort of the theory behind Minifigs S range moving to two piece cavalry castings with the horse furniture on the riders, so that you just swapped horses around and didn't need one per rider - this never worked out in practice for me, as I just bought one horse per rider anyway.

I've tried these figures against S Range Jacobite Rebellion figures but they won't work together for me. The SYW range were pretty bulky so the slimmer SYW S Range figures might work better. The good news however is that it looks like they should work well with the rather fine new Red Box Jacobite Rebellion figures which could provide additional British Infantry, Loyalist and Militia Infantry, and Highlanders. These figures are a little shorter and slighter but I hope within acceptable limits. Interestingly, in my attempts to buy the Highland Infantry set, it turns out the boxes shipped to both Harfields and Hannants contain the Militia and Loyalist Infantry figures instead.

For artillery pieces I have tried Minifigs and Fine Scale factory with limited success, so have settled on the rather lovely Art Miniaturen French battalion gun instead.

So far the only unit I have finished is the British Infantry Regiment. Some of the others are only waiting for plastidip spray on the newly painted bases, and others are waiting for a fresh supply of 1p pieces (as are the Red Box plastics).

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